Joni Hammington Kitchen

Coach the Coach Week 4 – What is happening here?

Aug 25, 2023

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Coach The Coach Week 4 -What is happening here?Joni Hammington in Queenstown


Last week was a whirlwind of a week.

The hustle and bustle. The excitement!!!
I treated myself to pizza, wine, chocolate, popcorn, late nights, movie marathons (90s rom coms) , parties and dancing!

I also enjoyed smoothies, salads and easy balanced dinners.
None of which were on my plan for the week. I am just being very honest here! It happens.

Going on a journey of self improvement whether it’s self coaching, following meal plans or taking on health challenges its no doubt admirable. They are aimed at enhancing your wellbeing, productivity and overall quality of life.

However the road isn’t always straight.

Its hurdles and sometimes the weight of our expectations can be our own block.

When we put the pressure on ourselves to rigidly stick to these plans or challenges it can introduce stress into our lives ( My husband Luke experienced this when we did 75 hard challenge). Stress as many studies have shown can have many negative effects on the body, we end up finding ourselves stuck in a paradigm – trying to be healthy is making us unhealthier.

There is a difference between following a plan and then being adaptable. Life is unpredictable and it throws up curveballs when least expected. Being true to yourself means recognising when to be disciplined and when to ease up. If following a meal plan becomes a source of dread, it’s time to recalibrate! Perhaps you need to modify the plan to better fit your lifestyle.

So, here is my modification:

Most days of the week I will follow my mediterranean style of eating and prioritise protein. I love to fast for just two days during the week. Then over the weekend, it’s time to enjoy the flow of life.

Being authentic is about understanding and accepting your limits. Give yourself grace when things change and understand that progress is not linear. When we go with the flow, we tune into our body signals and this makes it easier to adapt and maintain balance.

Every day is a new day and every week brings a fresh start, which brings the opportunity to refocus, recommit and readjust ourselves.

Being true to yourself, managing stress and embracing the ebbs and flow of life to make sure that not just physical well being but also mental, physical and emotional are in harmony.

In this balanced state, every challenge becomes achievable and enjoyable.

Joni xx

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Joni Hammington

Joni Hammington

Nutritional Science Student

People deserve to feel confident in their food choices.

I am passionate about nutrition and love to see others thrive too!

I understand the transformative power of a more vibrant state of living through eating whole foods

I believe in the power of authentic and supportive relationships.


When you find your why, you don’t hit snooze! You make it happen
– Eric Thomas
Joni Hammington

Joni Hammington

Nutritional Science Student

People deserve to feel confident in their food choices.

I am passionate about nutrition and love to see others thrive too!

I understand the transformative power of a more vibrant state of living through eating whole foods

I believe in the power of authentic and supportive relationships.


When you find your why, you don’t hit snooze! You make it happen
– Eric Thomas

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